Dashboard motion

Use Figma to quickly create designs with motion, all you need to do is use SnowUI components.

Preview in Figma 👉 https://www.figma.com/proto/PAA0JKidFMVK44KRRWB1zL/SnowUI?page-id=33655%3A90661&type=design&node-id=81821-183770&viewport=97%2C237%2C0.19&t=SabuCjWPLE9d6mf4-1&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=33655%3A90725&mode=design

Made with SnowUI

SnowUI is a Design System and UI Kit created with Figma.

👉 Learn More: https://snowui.byewind.com

👉 Follow Me: Twitter / Instagram / Figma

SnowUI & Dashboard UI Kit & Design System
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