~ 2023 ~


I am now entirely nomadic, permanently. I don't have a home, and I live traveling from place to place - with my backpack, some clothes and my laptop. I can work on whatever art projects I want, when I want, in whatever country I want! Being completely free like this allows me the ultimate experience - setting sail into the waters of the unknown, letting the current take me and surrendering to the experience.


This year I spent 7 months traveling in Europe. I lived in various places in France for three months, a tent in the woods on the coast of Cyprus for three months, and a cabin on the beach in Crete for a month going into winter. I lived embedded entirely in nature for most of the 7 months and I spent 4 months barefoot. After spending so much time with the beautiful sea, woods, and animals - I've decided I always want to live completely in nature!

The art projects I've worked on this year, although few, have been my best ones yet! I'm extremely excited to carry things forward and keep creating new projects as my knowledge deepens and horizons expand!!


The aura in me is a calm, magical, excitement for all that is now, and all that is coming. In a few weeks I'm setting off into Europe for the next 10 months with absolutely no plan, but to go where I want, and to follow what comes up. Getting back into fitness. Personal and spiritual growth, connections, learning new skills and growing current ones.


Thank you for supporting me and good luck for the next year! I love you all 🩵

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