WIP: Projects Hover Animation

Please take this with a grain of salt, but I am nearing the completion and refinement of the animation on my projects page.

I have adopted a distinct approach to showcasing projects, diverging from recent trends I have observed.

Rather than conducting case studies on my own website, I will be directing visitors to case studies provided by the projects and agencies I have collaborated with. This method ensures proper recognition for both myself and my colleagues, while also demonstrating my extensive collaboration with various agencies on numerous projects. For projects I have undertaken independently, I will utilize Dribbble in the future to create comprehensive case studies instead of individual snapshots like this one.

The aim of my website is to serve as an exceptional, standalone digital portfolio that offers a quick glimpse into my identity and core values, all while displaying some innovative development work using WebGL, GSAP, and Lenis.

Joe Taylor
Designer, Developer & Identity Specialist 🔥🇬🇧
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