Hawk Hub - Laurier's One Stop Student App

The Project

'Hawk Hub' is a campus app designed to serve the needs of university students and residents by providing information, communication tools, and resources related to campus life. It's a multifunctional mobile application tailored to the university community. It offers campus news, emergency information, and group chat capabilities for different user groups (e.g., roommates, duty dons, and staff).

The Problem

Wilfrid Laurier University students face challenges related to campus communication, information access, and community engagement.

The Goal

Hawk Hub is designed to serve as a solution to these challenges. It offers an intuitive mobile application that aims to enhance the campus experience at Wilfrid Laurier University by addressing these key issues and creating a sense of connectedness among its members.

Step 1: Empathize

Empathize is the first stage of the design thinking process. It is a research conducted to best assess user's needs.

User Audience

  • Undergraduate students

  • Graduate students

  • Student clubs

  • Student support services

  • Administrative staff

  • Faculty members

Interview Goals

  • Identify user groups

  • Gather insights into goals, experience, and pain points

  • Collect feedback on proposed features

  • Assess how Hawk Hub can best serve users' needs

User Personas

Empathy Maps


More by Safdar Mohammed

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