Complete Solar Web Design

I was hired to revamp complete solar’s website and bring it up to their current brand standards. In addition I was brought on to develop the UI/UX design and implementation of their enterprise software currently in use by their sales reps. Some of the challenges faced were cleaning up a confusing rod map for customers looking to find out more information about complete solar’s offerings, implementing the brand’s new minimal styling and simplifying their message overall.

The Process

The first step in the process was understanding what was and what was not working about Complete Solar's current UX on their site. We identified several problem areas.

  • Users cannot quickly find information about Complete Solar's offerings, in fact it was unclear even what the company was offering

  • Current customers were unable to quickly and efficiently access the portal to gather updates on their solar installs

  • Over use of copy and under use of graphics and visuals to tell their story

My first step was to clarify the site roadmap which I greatly simplified and removed redundant pages and pages that had dead ends or out dated information.


Complete Solar underwent a design change to its logo but needed help identifying proper brand colors and selecting a typography style to match its goal of being minimal, clean, and compact.

I selected proper color tones, updated the logo colors to match and selected a new typeface.


The project proceeded to wireframes and then high fidelity work once the wire frames and copy were approved by the marketing team. The site proceeded into development. I ended up using a combination of custom code and a site builder to build the site. It was launched in Feb 2021 and brought Complete Solar into the next phase of their development.


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