Real Live Project | NewCast - A.I Generator


Design a user-friendly and intuitive UI/UX for New Cast, an AI platform enabling customers to create AI-generated images and videos through prompts.

"Some prototyping flow may have been changed due to request upgrade by Client

Target Audience:

Individuals interested in creative visual content, including:

  • Designers and artists

  • Marketers and advertisers

  • Social media and content creators

  • Anyone with a desire to explore AI-powered visual arts


  1. User Research: Conducted user interviews and surveys to understand pain points, motivations, and expectations regarding AI-based image and video generation.

  2. Persona Development: Defined key user personas representing different segments of the target audience.

  3. Information Architecture: Developed a sitemap and user flow based on user research and personas.

  4. Wireframing and Prototyping: Created low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes to test and iterate on the user interface.

  5. Usability Testing: Conducted usability testing with representative users to identify and address any usability issues.

Key Design Decisions:

  1. Simple and intuitive interface: Focused on clarity and ease of use, with minimal clutter and clear instructions.

  2. Prompt builder: Designed a flexible prompt builder allowing users to input text, upload images, and select style and mood options.

  3. Real-time previews: Showcased generated images and videos in real-time, enabling users to quickly iterate and refine their prompts.

  4. Customization options: Provided various options for image size, aspect ratio, and video length.

  5. Download and share: Made it easy for users to download and share their creations.

  6. Community features: Integrated optional community features like user galleries, feedback, and challenges.

Landing Page
Dashboard(Dark Mode)
Video View Light Mode
Video View Dark Mode


  • Increased user engagement: The intuitive interface and prompt builder encouraged users to explore the platform's capabilities.

  • Improved satisfaction: Real-time previews and customization options allowed users to achieve desired results, leading to higher satisfaction.

  • Boosted creativity: The combination of user input and AI generation resulted in unique and unexpected visual content.

  • Community growth: Optional community features fostered interaction and learning among users.


By prioritizing user needs and conducting thorough usability testing, the New Cast UI/UX design successfully balanced power and ease of use, resulting in a platform that empowers users to unleash their creativity with AI-generated visuals.

More by Arijit Nag | ArtQuora

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