Green Social Media - Greener
The Idea was simple
Environmental issues have sparked a massive social movement around the world. Although there are numerous environmental communities, most of us cannot find them unless we specifically seek them out. Organizing the information and bringing everyone together in one place may make it appear more familiar. The overall goal of this project is to raise social awareness.
Problem Statement
The media are scaring people and creating fear in their feelings, which can change their behavior. We wanted to come up with a more positive and impactful strategy for information distribution.
Target Audience
Younger generations could be the primary target audience. Despite the fact that it is the type of project that cannot be completed without the participation of various groups of people.
Each country has a number of environmental organizations, the most well-known of which is COP26. It is an international organization that recommends political actions.
Although the recent incidents including Covid have increased public awareness of environmental issues, it does not appear to be sustaining this level of interest.
According to Yale’s 2018 climate opinions map, 70% of Americans believe that global warming is happening.
However, nearly half of Americans, according to the survey, have taken no action to raise environmental awareness. This suggests that, while many people recognize the importance of environmental protection in theory, far fewer go out of their way to support it.
There are numerous ways to raise environmental awareness. Among the lists, social media is one of the most powerful tools for connecting people.
Social media platforms allow users to have conversations, share information and create web content. There are many forms of social media, including blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo-sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and more.
Potential (further development)
Creating local and global communities that take part in the activities leading to real-world changes.
Monetisation: providing an audience to the companies serving products or services related to environmental topics.
Content hierarchy: verified organizations receive more space and higher recommendations for their content.
The first social media app is completely safe for children.
Adding educational programs, courses, and workshops organized by the members will bring more attention to practical problem-solving methods.
A new type of “influencer” communicates a more responsible lifestyle and aims to make a difference, rather than their “own benefits.
“Safe feature” informs about the risks of weather catastrophes.
Redirecting the time spent on social media to something more meaningful.
Increasing social awareness of environmental issues.
It has the potential to work as a news platform. (Many have no trust in mainstream media.)
Governmental support could be expected (if it gains more views).