Budget tool!
Budget tool with a collaborative headcount management and planning platform for teams, Finance business partners, and budget owners. For doublefin, I worked with creating design from user research to pixel perfect wireframes and high fidelity prototypes delivered to the agile team that was active in Sweden and large parts of the world. I also created their design system based on the WCAG.2.2 standard. Discovery was a big part in my role, in meeting the user's needs as well as the stakeholder's vision.
Every budget have a goal. The sums are creating something. The hard part is to connect the goal of a project with the sums. This product is making the sums of the budget connected to details and processes. The goal is to give the user control over where, when and who the money is connected to and what the overall goal for the budgets are.
Bulk approval
One of the users groups is BUSINESS DECISSION MAKERS who have the role of approving och rejecting budgets. To make the quantity of all the budgets they are handling they needed a bulk approval system. To do that we also needed a confirmation of the approvals to make the usage safer for the user.
Invite users
The budgets are connected to a hierarchy where different users are given permission to different budgets. To handle that task an admin role have control over inviting or removing users and handle users list where they can invite multiple users at one time.
A collaboration tool have a lot of opportunities for communication. News is meeting the users need for one way communication on a team level in different budgets. The point is to give the user updates on a regular basis centrally from the company.
Every web application tool B2B need a support for the users to connect with the tool staff. The support have two different ways to connect. One where information for learning from other users problems called FAQ and one for the user to connect with the support to get direct help. That information is very beneficial for the product team. When users have problem its very good to use that information for improvement of the product.
Tags is important for the user to give the budget a semantic meaning. The users needed to connect different budgets with tags for giving them a connection. This was very important for the admin role to know how the budgets are connected on a semantic level.