UX Artefact example #011 - UX is not always sexy

Process is more important than polished product when talking about UX Projects. It can be challenging to showcase a lot of the output from early UX stages, plus, a lot of it can be fairly boring to look at.. Though this is getting one step nearer to some nicely executed visual design (Omnigraffle).

This particular piece forms part of a Customer Journey presentation which focussed on the lifecycle of a users interaction with a product: Personas goals/trigger points and emotional effect, in relation to a products touch-points, be that Digital or Analogue (controlled or uncontrolled environments)

Its worth noting that this particular artefact, due to its more polished state was created as a client deliverable - more specifically, for a campaign based project, but could quite easily have been created for a service design or customer experience project.

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