UX Artefact example #010 - UX is not always sexy

Process is more important than polished product when talking about UX Projects. It can be challenging to showcase a lot of the output from early UX stages, plus, a lot of it can be fairly boring to look at..

This piece forms part of the open critique/debate process. Its good to create an environment (such as a UX War Room - see UX Artefact example #008) where you can hold regular review points. Design, Development, Client/Account Services or any other valued team member, as well as clients occasionally, should be able to freely discuss options, issues and 'high five' wins.

Tip: I'm only suggesting this approach as most clients now employ in-house UXers (at some level), but its not a typical practice. However, depending on your relationship with the client and how embedded they are in the process/project you could invite them to be present during session within this stage. Be warned that you will have to apply your own judgement here, as some clients can very well become a blocker throughout the proceedings - and it will then be much harder to not include them in further discussions.

For more UX and design talk follow me http://twitter.com/harrisonUX

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