DAILY UI // 017: Email Receipt
Day 017 of the DailyUI.co 100 day User Interface design challenge.
The Email Receipt
Designing emails can be particularly challenging because of the limitations with typography as well as email clients and how they handle blocking images.
The goal here was to provide at a glance information broken up into 3 sections of content.
1. Overview and Recall: Provide the user with the brand and product ordered and confirmation number. This is for quick reference, typically recalled after the initial read.
2. Reinforcement and Review: The user has committed to the product but at this point there is still time to turn back. So in order to avoid remorse we can reinforce their decision with a snippet of compelling imagery and messaging. Here we also provide the user with a link to return to the shop to fully review their order.
3. Accuracy and Altruism: Providing details of the order helps ensure shipping and pricing information. The brand also closes out its messaging with it's altruistic concern for how the products are being made, again reinforcing the commitment made by the user.
Also, check out TopoDesigns because they're awesome.
Feedback is welcome