Early Bird and Meditation. Wake up early every day and meditate for one month. Then capture the whole thing with the help of small animations

Day 1:

Restless thoughts and feelings that you don't even notice or ignore due to distractions.

Day 2:

Action-Reaction. No matter what you do, a reaction will always follow.

Day 3:

It's okay! Just let it work. Try not to react to anything or anything else...

Day 4:

Me after waking up! Don't get out of bed completely clapped out.

Day 5:


Finding the right balance between everything is not so easy.

I'm on my cell phone too much again at the moment...

Day 6:

Clean room, clean mind.

Your environment shapes you. Tidy room, tidy mind... can think more clearly...

Day 7:

Stable Fragile.

Why do we like to hold on. A young baby is still fragile and malleable. An adult is the complete opposite. Beliefs and identity are stable.

Week 2:

Day 1:

Inspo but jealous...

Swipe through insta or Pinterest to look for inspiration but in the end I'm just jealous because I see something I can't do, for example... But it also has good sides: it also drives me in a certain way because I put more pressure on myself to get better at what I can't do.

Day 2: Thoughts. Ideas.

Ideas arise from thoughts.

Day 3:

just thoughts flying around.

Thoughts that pop up.

Day 4: Nature is awesome.

Enjoy nature more and be grateful for it. People/society are moving further and further away from nature. Cities are being built from forests.

Day 5:

Consum. Create

Find the perfect balance between content consumption and creation.

Day 6:


No desire to get up...

Day 7:

Scared of the future.

Fear of the uncertainty of what might happen in the future.

Week 3:

Day 1:

You do not need Meditation.

Meditation is a great tool, but you can replace it with calmness and mindfulness in your everyday life.

Day 2:

There are many ways...

Many people always say that this or that is the right way... but is there a right or wrong way?

Day 3:

Weird inside.

Stay weird inside. Keep the inner child alive.

Day 4:

No ideas !

Day 5:

Connections have influence.

Your environment has a lot of influence. The way you talk and behave... A good environment can help you... whereas a bad one can have the opposite effect.

Day 6:

Stuck in the cycle of content and entertainment.

Watched a lot of content lately...

Day 7:


Meditation helps to consciously direct our thoughts and emotions.

Week 4:

Day 1:

Start with a small fire not with a big one.

Imagine you want to paint something. To get a complete painting you have to make a first stroke... followed by more and more strokes that together form a picture.

Day 2:

Smoking Kills

We were invited to a birthday party and smoked shisha there. I already noticed the consequences of this in the evening. I couldn't breathe and felt like shit. The same in the morning.

Day 3:

Don't lose your target!

Met a cool guy in the gym and got talking about what I actually want to train for? = calesthenics... and not bodybuilding....

Day 4:

Watch inside!

Don't look outside. Look inside. Many people in our society lose themselves in materialism... Although we don't need so much and are doing very well here in Germany.

Day 5:

Comfort Zone will kill you...

Imagine you are a whale in the ocean. Your comfort zone is the water you swim in. It feels safe and familiar, but if you stay there too long, you can't breathe. You need to come up to the surface for air.

Day 6:

ups and downs

To get to the top of a mountain, you have to make your way up. But you also have to go down again...

Ripples in the water.....

Day 7:

Changed focus.

After the MEDI... you always feel better and a little clearer than before... like sport ... before sport you don't feel like it afterwards you feel great because you've done it

Week 5:

Day 1:

Similar principle to the fire...

Day 2:

It's okay to be different...

no off the wall or anything, but I already have the feeling that I'm a bit different in my bubble. I try out a lot of self-improvised stuff, even if it's not perfect and I'm often very lazy....

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