Toronto Times | Seasons Issue

This is an illustration I did for the cover of Toronto Times' Seasons Issue, a fictional magazine I developed in my Editorial Illustration class at Seneca College.

For the project, we needed to select a city where we had lived before, so I decided to choose Toronto because this has been my home for the last year. Something I wanted to address on the cover was the drastic change in the weather of the city: the overwhelming and absurd amount of snow that invades the region during the cold winter vs. the warm movie sunsets that can be experienced during the summer.

The illustration process started from a sketch I made quickly, in which I considered strategically placing certain iconic elements of the city, such as the CN Tower or a TTC sign outside a subway station, that people could easily recognize from the get go. Also, for this specific illustration, the use of juxtaposition was key, since I wanted to generate a high visual contrast between the different seasons, so the distribution of the elements was very important to also achieve harmony and symmetry in the composition... resulting in a kind of “balanced contradiction”.

For the animation of the piece, I created the movement of each element using the Photoshop layers to later create a frame-by-frame animation. This process can be a bit complicated but the key is to modify the opacity of the layers as the different sequences are illustrated in other layers, and always, testing that the animation of each element looks fluid, ensures that when exporting the animation, it will look professional and of high quality. Another benefit of using Photoshop to animate is that you can easily use the adjustment layers on top of all the layers, to modify the way the final product will look, and in this way, no post production stage was necessary for the illustration.

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Doug Rodas
Creative Director & Illustrator

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