Tag-based Music Player

This is an experiment in alternative music players.

I wondered what a quick way to start playing music could look like.

Music services such as Spotify give us many different ways to listen to music, but the more choices we have, the more we naturally start to stress out what the right choice is.

How would it work?

The idea is to no longer select specific songs/artists. By selecting certain tags you filter your library of songs down to a 'playing queue'. All you have to do then is hit 'play' and you'll play through a shuffled queue. Adding songs to your library would work via the 'search' tab.


It's easy to imagine that expanding the 'genre' section to include realistic amounts of data would quickly make that section too large in comparison to the other sections. Scrolling through a text wall of genre tags (separated only by arbitrary colors) would therefore defeat the purpose of the "quick to play" idea that this started out as. I still think it's an interesting idea, worthy of exploring alternative (perhaps less minimal) designs that can handle larger data sections.

More by Jasper D'haene

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