Dashboard UI Design

Case Study: Dashboard UI Redesign


Dribble, a leading platform for designers and creatives, sought to elevate its user experience by redesigning its dashboard interface. The objective was to create a visually appealing and intuitive dashboard that enhances user engagement and encourages exploration.


  1. Information Overload

  2. Inconsistent Visual Language

  3. Limited Customization

  4. Mobile Responsiveness


  1. User-Centric Design

  2. Competitive Analysis

  3. Wireframing and Prototyping

  4. Visual Design

  5. Customization Options

  6. Mobile Optimization

  7. Iterative Testing


  1. Streamlined Information Architecture

  2. Unified Visual Language

  3. Enhanced Customization

  4. Mobile-First Design

  5. Accessible Design


  1. Improved User Engagement

  2. Positive User Feedback

  3. Increased Retention

  4. Competitive Advantage


The dashboard UI redesign for Dribbble exemplifies the power of user-centric design principles, iterative prototyping, and collaboration between design and development teams.

More by Rao Rizwan

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