BudgetPro app and website
This is my third and final portfolio project from the Google UX Design Professional Certificate. This is a website and a app designed for the same product. Any feedback would be appreciated!
Link to hi-fi prototype for app - https://www.figma.com/file/oNBEX3DE1nTSY0jrwyABIR/Budget-website%2Fapp?type=design&node-id=12%3A2321&mode=design&t=aWdAIkuDgoNsaDDA-1
Link to hi-fi prototype for website - https://www.figma.com/file/oNBEX3DE1nTSY0jrwyABIR/Budget-website%2Fapp?type=design&node-id=12%3A1275&mode=design&t=aWdAIkuDgoNsaDDA-1
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