Shopfloor task manager

Finding the Problem

Factory shopfloor operators have several tasks to account for in their day to day chores. This concept intends to empower them to reduce learning curve, remind and aid their organisation.

How might we...

... guide operators on their chores, providing them structure and all information needed to complete them as intended by the technical expert?

Wireframes & Userflow

The starting point of the home screen is to pick the specific section they are going to work on, then the screen shows a list of tasks then have to work on, both sequencial tasks and parallel tasks that can be addressed in the meantime, either between sequencial or at the end of those. The users after selecting a task can access their details and close the tasks.


Walkthrough Experience

As explained on the flow, users would have the ability to pick different working locations and go through the tasks (sequencial and parallel). These lists provide short overview of progress, both of overall task sheet and specific tasks. On task details, users have access to information regarding the task that needs to be conducted, for example, instructions, hints and allowing for users to input some additional information for documenting purposes, as well as, update the progress or close the task when it's finished.

More by Nuno Neves

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