WhiteBones - Creativity and community


  • WhiteBones - a brand with values: CREATIVITY, FREEDOM, COMMUNITY.

  • Aimed to introduce the world of Boneys and foster a community.


  • Present Boneys, emphasize community, and showcase their creative character.


  • Landing page:

    • Revamped and added 3D renders of Boneys.

  • Brand communication:

    • Focused on concise, compelling messaging and storytelling.

  • Community integration:

    • Established a social platform, promoting the power of gaming and imagination.

  • Teasers:

    • Introduced exclusive 3D teasers to generate curiosity.

  • Social media:

    • Conducted a campaign on Dribbble using hashtags #WhiteBonesAdventure and #CreativityUnleashed.


  • Increased engagement: Landing page and 3D renders boosted user engagement.

  • Community growth: Emphasis on community led to increased participation.

  • Brand recognition: Effective use of social media enhanced brand visibility.

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