The Big Earl Show (at the Flora-Bama) logo
Basic logo for hats/shirts for a music show Not too detailed or complicated FUN, outrageous, experienced musicians, classic country, southern rock, comedy Bold, basic, fun, music, professional (not cartoony) Logo version with “at the Florabama” Logo version with slogan “turning women in to single moms since 1995“ Logo version with slogan “Bringing culture to the coast since 1995” Big Earl Band Logos with and without oval in 1-color, 2-color and black and white Big Earl Band logo w/ coast slogan with and without oval in 1-color, 2-color and black and white Big Earl Band logo w/ women slogan with and without oval in 1-color, 2-color and black and white Big Earl Band logo w/ Flora-bama traced logo in 2-color and 4-color with and without oval
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