Cafe Koya

KOYA is a Japanese-inspired cafe located in Stockholm. The atmosphere is cozy in an Asian style, playfulness mixed with tasty pastries and good fresh dishes. The project goal was to build their website from user research to a finish produkt and change their branding. The tools i used was HTML, CSS, Javascript and Adobe Illustrator. All details was drawn by hand in a playful spirit.


Matcha has been the core of the Japanese tea culture since it came from China during the Middle Ages. The taste is powerful, with a sweetness and very limited bitterness. Its a very big speciality of the cafe and needed its own part of the website.


The icons i made needed to match the style of the page and the drawn pictures so i made them in adobe illustrator. I think its important to connect all the parts of what you are creating and make it seamless for the user so they feel trust.


To add the playful sprit i added funny animals in the context working on the cafe helping out so the user felt the connection of the spirit of the baker and owner. The costumers i testes the website on often expressed "Oh cute" or "Lovely" when they saw the pictures and was inspired to visit the cafe. Then i knew i met the costumers and the owners common ground.


The owner had different ideas of the feel of the branding but had a hard time to express it visually, so i asked her to tell me in words how she wanted the logo to feel like. Then i made her different visual takes on what my vision of the words was and this is the one she picked out.

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Posted on Jan 23, 2024

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