Splash - Real Estate Landing Page


Splash, a leading real estate agency, recognized the need to enhance its online presence and engage potential clients more effectively. As part of their digital strategy, they identified the need to optimize their real estate landing page to better showcase properties, streamline the user experience, and ultimately drive more conversions.


  1. Outdated Design: The existing landing page had an outdated design that did not align with current web design trends, leading to a lack of visual appeal and decreased user engagement.

  2. Poor User Experience: Navigation on the landing page was cumbersome, making it challenging for visitors to find relevant information about properties, pricing, and contact details. This resulted in a high bounce rate and missed conversion opportunities.

  3. Limited Property Showcase: The existing page did not effectively showcase the diverse range of properties available, hindering the agency's ability to attract a broad audience.


  1. Enhance Visual Appeal: Redesign the landing page with a modern and visually appealing layout that aligns with current design trends.

  2. Improve User Experience: Streamline navigation, ensuring that visitors can easily find information about available properties, pricing, and contact details.

  3. Expand Property Showcase: Implement a dynamic and user-friendly gallery to effectively showcase a diverse range of properties, highlighting key features and amenities.

How We Solved the Problem:

  1. Redesigned User Interface: A team of experienced web designers revamped the landing page with a modern and visually appealing design, incorporating high-quality images and a cohesive color scheme to enhance overall aesthetics.

  2. Streamlined Navigation: The information architecture was reorganized, simplifying the navigation process. Intuitive menus and clear calls-to-action were implemented to guide users seamlessly through the site.

  3. Dynamic Property Showcase: A user-friendly gallery was integrated, allowing for easy browsing of properties with filters for location, price range, and amenities. High-quality images, 360-degree virtual tours, and detailed property descriptions were included to provide comprehensive information.

Result 🥳

In conclusion, the optimization of Splash's real estate landing page successfully addressed the identified problems, leading to improved engagement, reduced bounce rates, increased conversions, and positive feedback from users. The project exemplified the importance of staying current with design trends and prioritizing user experience in the competitive online real estate market.

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