Framer Multi Layout Template
Kloomix will assist you in creating a stunning, responsive landing page that not only appears professional but also helps you achieve your business objectives.
Let's work together to take your website to the next degree of success!
What will you get?
Figma UI Kit
15 page template + 150+ section
10 variants of header
24 variants of hero section
44 variants of feature section
10 variants of blog section
11 variants of subscribe section
11 variants of testimonial section
10 variants of grid section
9 variants of footer
1 variants of contact
8 variants of pricing
4 variants of FAQ
7 variants of team section
5 variants of maintenance page
6 variants of 404 page
1 single post (CMS)
Who is this tool recommended for?
Beginner & Student ; Learn how to make the most of Framer and go live with a more professional website.
Freelancer ; Reach out to more clients and boost your earnings by providing marvelous projects in a fast time.
Startup ; Take advantage of our intuitive component library to enable faster web development and prototyping.