Daily UI 009 - Music Player
I had a good time essentially redesigning the Spotify UI.
I created every piece of the UI here from scratch. Where in some of my other designs, I've used premade icons, all the icons in this design file are original vectors, as are the buttons, and the wavelength/timeline combo is a series of 70 lines individually sized.
I took it a step further and made the UI interactive, since I've been enjoying working with functional prototypes and learnt some tricks over the last few weeks that I want to practice and improve on.
Almost all the buttons function in some way:
The back/skip track buttons will actually advance and go back a track, as well as show a button animation
The play/pause button has an animated transition between states
The repeat toggle switches between off/repeat all/repeat one
The shuffle toggle toggles on/off
The add to playlist button has an animation to show the song was added to a playlist
See the video below for a demo of the prototype: