Singkit na Rosas Logo

Singkit na Rosas is the artist’s name, with direct English translation: “singkit” - chingky/ small eyes (the artist’s dominant physical

feature), and “rosas” - Rose (her legal name).

Rose’s niche are visual design, digital art, 2D Animation, video editing, and social media management.

She started her art journey on 2015, studying BSIT with specialization in Digital Animation. On 2018, she had to stop

due to financial difficulties and started accepting commissions for illustrations and logo designing.

On 2021, she became the Social Media Specialist for a local large format printing business. Her tasks were to plan,

create/edit, caption, schedule/publish daily social media postings. Through her skills and hardwork, she was

promoted as Head of Marketing, on January 2022.

She quit her job on June 2023 and went back to pursuing her college degree.