Dating Mobile iOS App
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Hey, pals! Check out our Dating App design ❤️
🌟 This dating app applies various metrics to show potential compatibility between users. At the start, users need to fill out a profile, so to the service can have more detailed data to use in the matching process. It even has a test that allows to evaluate compatibility between two specific users more precisely 👍
The shot displays two screens 👇
👩👨 The first screen shows a possible partner and the matching interests. Just like in a regular dating app, a user can swipe candidates left or right. At the top of the screen, users can see their compatibility score.
👀 The second screen shows compatibility metrics and a button that opens the compatibility test.
🎨 The soft, nearly pastel, color scheme is combined with black accents.
Here users can find love and check their compatibility using metrics 🔥
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Check out our article for more info on dating apps
Interface by Maksim Matsyevich
Motion by Anton Karelov