UI/UX | Web design | Landing page | Ceramic workshop

The completed tasks aimed at enhancing the business include capturing the attention of the target audience, presenting offers and benefits, increasing sales turnover and registrations for masterclasses, creating user accounts, and elevating brand awareness.

I solved various user-side tasks including providing clear information, enhancing visual appeal, ensuring convenient navigation, prompting clear calls to action, optimizing for mobile device usage, gathering contact details, presenting comprehensive company information, offering robust support and feedback mechanisms.


The main action is to highlight pottery as something more than a forgotten craft. It’s a deep narrative, a story of physical and mental touches. This inspired me to create web-project that accentuates the craft of pottery-making as something natural, ethnic, and familiar to everyone. This interpretation aims to bridge heritage with modernity, showcasing the uniqueness and relevance of pottery in today’s world.

Ready to create together? 🤗

Feel free to contact me : bohdanakhashchyna@gmail.com
