Y from Yo-Yo

Illustrated Capital Letter


This Illustrated Capital Letter mixes subtly the typographic concept and the illustrative-artistic one, giving place to a elegant, serif Y with a realistic Yo-Yo, since the Y, which represents the rope through which the Yo-Yo descends gently but quickly, the lower part of which transforms into said support.Β 

This is one of my most symbolic Illustrated Capital Letter, because you know what it is just looking at it. And this object is a very classic toy, which is still widely used today.Β 

To draw this Illustrated Capital Letter, first of all I've made the sketch, which I've outlined with a calibrated marker. Next, I've coloured in black the typographic concept, and started to paint the illustrative-artistic concept with calibrated markers of different thicknesses, until arrive to the Yo-Yo, to which I've coloured with shadows, lights and volumes.Β 

It's done with callibrated black markers.Β 

I hope you like itΒ πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š

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