Proudsugar (new logo)

I started this logo with a process in which I tried to transmit both concepts: low level (graphic representation of the name) and high level (occupation of the company: growth, improvement, etc.)

In this process I began to make a parallel between the concept of "proud" with those of "improvement", "growth" or "expansion", linked these last ones to the business objective. But nevertheless, there was still the representation of "sugar", and how to link it to the concept of "pride / improvement", just commented.

After different ideas, the solution came to show two cubes of sugar, but the second larger than the first, alluding to growth and improvement.

Related to style, clearly had to represent the values of Proudsugar: it had to be elegant and attractive, clear and simple, but resounding and forceful. In addition, it had to adequately respond to the need for easy implementation and easy recognition on a small scale.

More by Daniel Polo

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