DR TV for Apple TV
When you get to work on a project with a client you've wanted to work with forever, something magical happens. Over the past couple of weeks we've unleashed every ounce of creativity into secretly making the most important app in Denmark for the new Apple TV: The Danish Broadcasting Corporation's (DR) modern TV experience.
📺 I made a video showing the new UI
Working with interfaces on the TV and tvOS has been really fun. It's still early days, but we managed to get all sorts of neat little details in there: Progress bars that fill up, background images that slowly ken burns, live feeds that activate when you focus on them - small touches on top of Apple's already great and tactile interface.
DR is important for many reasons. Not only did most people in Denmark grow up with it, most Danish citizens interact with DR on a daily basis; for news, entertainment and eduction. As a public service institution, everything DR produces is part of our cultural heritage. Being able to shape how that content is presented and consumed is a privilige and bringing our sense of product to the collaboration has been an amazing process.
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