Follow The Wind

We were in Italy, and didn't speak Italian. Our map was starting to shred by repeatedly being folded up and slid in my pocket. We didn't have much of a clue as to how to get home. We just started heading in the "general direction" to where we were staying. Its an uneasy feeling not knowing where you're going in a foreign place. Eventually after some wrong turns and 10 miles of walking, we found our way. Was it stressful? Sure! But man, the things we would've missed if we had just found a taxi. We saw this unforgettable view overlooking Rome, that wasn't bombarded by tourists. We saw the most peaceful leaf filled park that was just empty. Heck, we even burned off our daily gelato intake! I learned a lot through this experience. It can be a scary feeling being left without a sense of direction. But honestly, can anybody can see their full road? Sure, sometimes it'd be nice to have a GPS on life, but where's the adventure in that?
So don't be scared to take a wrong turn. Close your eyes and cherish the unexpected. You will find beauty in simply following the wind.

More by Nicolas Fredrickson

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