
So, as a gamer I've always loved hanging out on Twitch. I was so stoked when they announced Twitch Creative last week, and if folks are interested, I'd like to start a channel! I think it'd be a great way to connect with more people, and show off the things that I love, and I'd love to see what others are working on as well. I've started making a list of things I could do, including but not limited to:

Great designers
Talk about designers from the past and present. What makes them great?
Typographic inspiration
Auto glass stamps, locomotive logos, maps, and more! What gets me stoked to work with type.
Good old shit
Typewriter tins, makers marks, wood crates, letterpress goodies...
Agency analysis
What makes certain agencies special? What defines their work?
Bookshelf goodies
Review design books and judge books by their covers
Interviews with designer friends
Designer hangouts at the Heck House!
Design show and tell
Show our work and get feedback
Typeface showcase
Talk about my favorite typefaces, compare, and gush
Careers in Design
What should you look for at an agency? A corporation? When going off on your own?
Combining Typefaces
How to make excuses to use more typefaces, how to make fonts play nice together, and how to have better informational hierarchy in your work
UX design walkthroughs
What UX lessons can we learn from our favorite apps and software?
Keeping Creative Momentum
How do you stay out of creative ruts?

Is this interesting to anyone? Are there days/times that'd work best for you guys for live broadcasts? I'm serious about this, and I'd love to know if anything thinks there's value to it.

More by Bethany Heck

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