Mobile App Design UX/UI (Habits Tracking)

Habits tracking became easier with Forfeit 💪

Forfeit, a trailblazing mobile app backed by Y Combinator, is revolutionizing the way we approach habit formation and personal discipline. This app isn't just about tracking habits; it's about putting your money where your mouth is. Set a goal, a deadline, and stake a sum of money. Fail to send proof of your commitment, like a gym selfie or a snapshot of your calorie count, and you'll forfeit the amount you pledged. It's about real consequences for real progress.

Our team at Undercat embarked on a voluntary mission to showcase our prowess in UX/UI design through our collaboration with Forfeit:

  1. Branding: we crafted a brand identity for Forfeit that's bold, engaging, and speaks to the heart of goal-setters and dream-chasers. It's a brand that stands for commitment and echoes the serious yet rewarding nature of sticking to personal goals.

  2. Mobile app design: our experts designed a user interface that’s not only visually appealing but also intuitively functional. We ensured that Forfeit's app is a seamless part of a user's daily routine, making the process of tracking and proving habits straightforward and even enjoyable.

Let's work some magic 👋

Do you like the approach presented in this showcase for the Forecastr? Let's work together to create something stunning, from logos and branding to web design and full-scale apps.

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