DAILY UI // 006: User Profile
Day 006 of the DailyUI.co 100 day User Interface design challenge.
The User Profile. I took on the @Dribbble User Profile page for this challenge. I kept the basic look and feel the same but rearranged a lot of the information.
The three main new features I proposed are:
1. Pro Stats
This serves several purposes but mainly it was to get some of the extra information off the page. This is where a user can look and see how many projects you are involved in how many shots you've made, your likes, and how many times and where you have been listed. Also, this could house more resume worthy information like education, certifications, etc.
2. Collaborators
I've noticed a lot of folks belonging to multiple teams, I feel like in some cases it might not be necessary to add a person to your team or if you aren't a part of a team but you often take on projects with the same few people. boom. collaborators.
3. Featured Projects
I imagine this being an added option to Pro Players to include featured shots or not, this to me kind of builds on the player card. It allows your favorite projects to stay at the top of your profile page.
cheers yall hope you like it and feedback is welcome!