
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing My official submission to Shopify’s “Design Taught Me” competition.

I had a crazy idea yesterday evening when talking with @Brandon Sager about what to do for rebounds. And it hit me... What if I could design and develop a responsive website for this competition over night? I literally felt my gut churn the minute the words came from my mouth. Was I crazy?! I had 8–12 hours to write, design, and develop this thing from nothing. And I did it!

Here's the behind-the-scenes screen capture if you want to see my 8-hour sprint condensed to 5 minutes:

I knew a blank canvas would be hard to deal with and potentially paralyzing, so I strictly limited myself to a color palette and only HTMLS/CSS (no images allowed). I also decided to add some extra hustle by trying something new—flexbox. Since this was just for fun and I was strapped for time, I had to drop my cross-browser concerns and just go with something that would look great in modern browsers.

Everything was coded by hand (no frameworks) minus the non-design bells and whistles via jquery, animate.css, scrollTo.js, wow.js, and jribbble. Is it perfect? Definitely not. But that's another thing design has taught me—celebrate progression and don't always stress perfection.

More by Brandon Harrison

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