Amplify Rebrand + Case Study

At the beginning of each Odi project, we have our clients complete a questionnaire and attributes exercise in order ot learn about your brand aspirations, target audience, and your competitors.

We then take all that info and complete a baseline evaluation in order to move forward with developing a strong brand identity that will support your goals as your business grows.

When we partnered up with Amplify, they were on a mis­sion to make GTM (mar­ket­ing, sales, and cus­tomer ser­vice) eas­i­er and more approach­able for more star­tups to suc­ceed. Their new brand need­ed to reflect that goal, and after audit­ing the visu­al iden­ti­ties of their com­peti­tors, we iden­ti­fied oppor­tu­ni­ties for dis­tinc­tion and clichés to avoid.

Then the Ampli­fy team iden­ti­fied their brand attrib­ut­es as Vibrant, Sin­cere, and Tac­ti­cal. These led us to their Sin­gle Most Impor­tant Thing (aka SMIT): Sin­cere­ly Spirited. We took all of these learnings and jumped into visual exploration.

Check out the final outcome of our work with Amplify:


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Odi Agency
Build a brand as bold as your vision.

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