N from Nature

Illustrated Capital Letter



This Illustrated Capital Letter melts into one the typographic concept and the illustrative one, because the Capital N has a form of an uninhabited house, which has ended up succumbing to the nature, surrended by elements of it. Leaves, roots, grass, branches, until a thicket, a bush, and a tree are the elements that surround the N-shaped house.Β 

Before starting to draw, I've secured a perspective for the letter, like if I was an architect. Then, I've drawn the letter and I've erased the lines that composed the base of the letter. Before doing anything, I've drawn around the letter natural elements like leaves, roots, grass, branches, a thicket, a bush and a tree, representing an uninhabited house that has ended up succumbing to the nature. And I've perfectioned them with a thin calibrated marker (0.05) and the respective shadows and textures of the N-shaped house until get this effect.Β 

It's done with callibrated black markers.Β 

I hope you like itΒ πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š

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