Illustrations | Mythology, 2022.

The "Mythology" collection unfolds with three captivating illustrations, each showcasing a fictional creature with its own unique narrative.


Meet Samnia, the goddess of nightmares. She wields a unique power—traveling through dreams using an intricate dream catcher. Instead of a face, she bears a single eye between her breasts and two more in place of nipples. This trio of eyes grants her access to the deepest fears of dreamers.

Samnia's central eye serves a purpose: it collects tears shed by those who cry in their dreams. These tears become a source of her otherworldly power. Far from malevolent, Samnia is a guide through the subconscious, helping dreamers confront their fears and discover inner strength.

In the mythic landscape, Samnia is a symbol of transformation, showing that even in the realm of nightmares, there's beauty in facing and overcoming fears.


In the split second between wakefulness and sleep, meet Adiran—a timeless being in a world of water and energy, resting on a single pearl. She knows everything about mortals—their desires, fears, and drives.

Adiran holds a unique role as a guide to the subconscious, influencing dreams and connecting the conscious and unconscious realms. In her quiet presence, she shapes ethereal landscapes, leaving a subtle mark on the waking world, revealing the profound mysteries of human existence.

"Adiran: Guardian of the Eternal Second" is a simple yet profound tale of a being who, in the briefest moment, influences the depths of human experience through the realm of dreams.

Vivian & Irigo

In the heart of the deep sea lies a hidden island with an ancient castle, home to the monstrous Irigo. This creature preys on young sailors, feeding on their souls and bodies.

Irigo's companion is Vivian, a haunting beauty adorned with a necklace made from the teeth of past victims. Naked and alluring, she lures unsuspecting sailors to their doom. Once captured, she delivers them to Irigo, ensuring the castle's appetite for souls and bodies is satisfied.

"Vivian and Irigo" is a chilling love story, a cautionary tale for those who sail the deep seas, exposing the ominous forces that dwell beneath the ocean's surface.

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