Music Player Screen
Defining the UX of your daily music player 🎶📱
I've used four key laws:
Jakob's Law: Users expect your site to function similarly to other frequently used sites🌐
Fitts's Law: Time to reach a target depends on its distance and size. Larger and closer targets are easier to interact with🎯
Law of Common Region: Grouping related elements together enhances user understanding🧩
Aesthetic Usability Effect: Users often prefer visually appealing designs for better usability🎨
Regarding color and font choice :
Orange conveys the lively and dynamic nature of music🧡
Roboto, known for its readability across various screen sizes, offers multiple weights and styles📱
I've introduced a new feature - language selection in lyrics🎵
Users can choose up to five languages during initial registration, which will then be available for lyrics display. The 'Eng' button switches between these languages with a tap☝️