Design System Yellow
I’m excited to announce Universal DesignSystem Yellow (for Figma). Spoiler alert: it’s great!
Here’s a brief look at the key points:
✔︎ Variables
Variables in DS·Y for Figma design store reusable values that can be applied to all kinds of design properties and prototyping actions. They help save time and effort when building designs, managing design systems, and creating complex prototyping flows.
✔︎ Icon set
A basic set of ready-made icons in 3 sizes, 1614 icons can significantly reduce interface design time. Universal icon style suitable for any project style.
✔︎ Accessibility True
Accessible design is a design process in which the needs of people with disabilities are specifically considered. The DS·Y is based on the principles of accessibility.
✔︎ Light & Darkmode
Support for two modes within the variable option.
✔︎ Documentation
Each block has a description and recommendations for its use.
Link 👉
Introducing Design System Yellow! Take a closer look and explore it yourself.
Link 👉
I would love to hear your feedback.
Please share your thoughts with me.