Veritas Marriage Conference - Visual Identity & Promo

This fall, Veritas Church decided to offer their first-ever in-house marriage conference!

The creative brief? No cheesy, stereotypical wedding imagery. Appeal to both women AND men - something husbands would want to sign up for, not just tag along because their wives made them...

Enter electric green, black&white, a sturdy grid background, and an abstract loop. 👀

Electric green because it's energetic, fun, and attention-grabbing. Black and white balance that out with a vibe that is edgy, yet also safe and mature.

A gridded background adds texture and structure in a way that creates tension with the loose abstract forms of the glassy loop.

And finally, the loop adds some wow factor (and a memorable icon to carry across collateral) and symbolizes a wedding ring, which of course symbolizes eternal love and commitment. 💍

Promotional materials included a printed 4x6 save-the-date, several social posts, and stage graphics used during Sunday service announcements.

For the conference itself, we wanted to add some warmth to set the tone for a "date night" feel throughout the auditorium. Cue the Edison bulbs, round tables, and fancy snacks galore! For the graphics, I opted to swap the electric green for some gold foil to bring some warmth & class to the screen, complete with a matching slide deck for the speaker notes!

Izzy Wootonn
graphic designer ✍️

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