Fitness App

INSHAPE provides the workout experience we all have been looking for. combining meals and exercise catered and created for you.

Hi there! I'm Jackie, a Graphic and UX/UI Designer. I love to stay active, but like many I never know what to eat and what workouts to do at times. Many of my friends and family struggle with being creative with meals and having a workout routine that keeps them motivated. I've created a case study on an app I created to make it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle with just one click.

Project Overview

Challenge: How to get people to stay motivated and maintain a healthy exercise routine.

Project Goals: This study is primarily meant to provide insight into why people want to exercise and what keeps them motivated (or not) to continue doing it. Creating a mobile application that supports users in their fitness journey by providing a range of tools to track weight loss, meal plans, exercise routines, and a coach. Basically, provide an all-in-one app that caters to their specific needs.

Pain Points

  1. Having to use multiple apps to store fitness activities

  2. Fear of injury because the user isn’t confident in their technique and how much their body can achieve while exercising

  3. Demotivated by not knowing what food to eat to maximize the benefits of the effort they are putting into exercising

  4. The users had already tried a few fitness apps, however they felt that the apps did not provide proper instructions for beginners

Market Research

I decided to try some of the popular current apps to get in the mind set of a user. I wanted to see what worked and didn't worked. Below you will see the pros and cons of some of the most popular apps used.

User Research

After my market reseach and interviews, I finally had a better understanding of the issues people face when it comes to their fitness journey. I interviewed various people with different backgrounds and ages, and found out that my app needs to target the below:

A. 23-35 yrs old: This group belongs to the Busy professionals.

B. 36-45 yrs old: Fitness conscious group who either are well aware about the importance of fitness or are beginners who need complete guidance.

User Persona

Based on my research and interviews I created the following user persona below. This user persona I created captures the target audience I am going for in just one person. So I made sure I was asking myself if I was fulfilling "Kate's" wants and needs.

User Flow

I created a simple and clear onboarding for the app. I wanted to allow the user to create and complete their profiles directly and be able to use the app right after.

I told myself that people discover a new app when he has time but he opens an app when you absolutely need it. This is why I propose an onboarding with profile creation. So when the user comes back, everything is settled and he can easily find a walker.

Mood Board


Below these wireframes showcase what would be the most viewed areas for the user. I wanted to give the user the option to build their own workout plan or have one be created for them. I also wanted to give the user an easy view of what their day looks like all on the Home Screen.

Visual Design

After going back and forth on how some UI and UX designs, I adjusted some of the wireframes to the below visual design. I wanted the look and feel of the to give the user inspiration and direction.

User Testing

Before designing the final prototype, I conducted Usability Testing by sharing the prototype link with the users and asked them to use the app and explore the various features in my vicinity, which in turn would help me figure out what exactly are the problems faced by the users.


After the feedback from some users, I made the updates and created an another prototype.

Below shows how a user can easily view few their workout and meals for the day, and easily get to their workout.

They can create their own, browse or view a workout program from "their trainer". From the "My Trainer" page, the user can easily change the workout to something else if they have a different area of focus.

Below shows how easily the user can access their food log. They can easily add to their log, browse different meals and meal plans.


Thank you for taking the time to read through my case study. With this project I discovered that having clear instructions to guide a user helps them meet their fitness goals.. My research, conception and designs had to have that as my main focus.

I believe that I found a way to accomplish this tough challenge by making sure the app had a clear focus and features such as: turtoial videos, meal plan, Marco count, workout ideas, etc. Basically an all-in-one fitness journey that told you what to do.

If more time allowed, I would dive more into some the prototype features, making it a bit more realistic to show all that the app can do, but all in all the base is there and I think it would be a successful app for fitness lovers.


To see more or any of my other work, here is my portfolio. I will also be posting and updating new projects I used to work on and the ones I'm currently doing on my Dribble page.

If you want to work with me, don't hesitate to contact me on LinkedIn.

More by Jacqueline Hernandez

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