Introducing @authkit, the project I'm most proud of lately!

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Big kudos to the entire team, especially @elmotta & @necatikcl , for bringing all the ideas and pixels to life.

A special thanks to @pmarsceill for providing tons of help!

AuthKit is a fully-featured UI for building authentication flows into your app. You can think of it as a toolkit for creating the perfect login box experience. It looks amazing out-of-the-box, and can be easily customized to fit your app's style.

AuthKit comes stock with rich templates of reusable components for common flows, like account registration and MFA device enrollment. You can one-click deploy it to WorkOS, or eject to your own codebase with copy-and-paste code from GitHub.

AuthKit also integrates natively with WorkOS User Management, which is free up to one million users. A million users is a lot — and it should be! For too long developers have struggled with low MAU limits by auth services. Not anymore!

When deploying AuthKit, your login page is initially hosted at {yourapp} Custom domain hosting with customized emails (signup/reset/etc) is $99/mo. It’s that simple. No gotchas, no gimmicks, and no annoying limits.

Oğuz Yağız Kara
digital product and web designer based in the universe.

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