Dribbble Orlando Meetup Analog
We’re kicking off our first Dribbble Meetup with an Analog Playoff challenge to design our Orlando Designers logo!
Participation is limited to those who have RSVP and attend this even:: https://nvite.com/DribbbleOrlando/a9bd
Bring your favorite drawing tools, grab an entry form, and sketch away for a chance to win a little more than bragging rights :)
GIVE ME BULLET POINTS *pow pow* • Winner(s) will be chosen by the Dribbble Orlando team. Likes will be taken into account in final decision.
• Please note that participation is limited to guests who enter their design the day of the event.
• Contest begins October 27th at 7 p.m. and ends at 8 p.m. Be on time!
• Winners will be announced via email mid-November and asked to vectorize final design for universal use.