Seamless Repeat Pattern 35

rose pattern, floral pattern, stylized rose illustration, vector pattern, roses, allover pattern
notebook mockup, mockups, rose pattern, notebook cover design

Thanks to my Behance profile, revisiting and retouching previous patterns continues. Here is the latest one that I have retouched – I dare to say that I am smitten with it like head over hills. After completing it out, I was like – where were you all this time? (Nudged by a silent dose of surprise)

The colorways, the layout itself – 100+ in terms of perfect. It would be doing a disservice to it if I don’t share it here, releasing it out in the world. Giving it a chance to show itself to more people.

Meanwhile, self-patting myself – I am glad that I have started making patterns. Despite the thunderstorms of self-doubts, I am showing up and as a result, keep getting pattern rewards.

Thank you so much for checking out my work!!

Notebook mock-up from: freepik (slightly modified by myself :3)

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Likes and comments are much appreciated. ❤                  

For more color variations, you are welcome to visit my Instagram profile:

I usually publish all the color variations there.                             

I am available for collaboration. For project inquiries/licensing, please, mail to:

rose pattern, floral pattern, stylized rose illustration, vector pattern, roses, allover pattern
notebook mockup, mockups, rose pattern, notebook cover design
rose pattern, floral pattern, stylized rose illustration, vector pattern, roses, allover pattern
notebook mockup, mockups, rose pattern, notebook cover design
rose pattern, floral pattern, stylized rose illustration, vector pattern, roses, allover pattern
notebook mockup, mockups, rose pattern, notebook cover design


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