OSCAL 2023
OSCAL 2023 was the inaugural annual conference in Albania dedicated to promoting software freedom, open source software, free culture, and open knowledge—a global movement that originated over 30 years ago. The conference took place in September 2023 in Tirana, bringing together free libre open source technology users, developers, academics, governmental agencies, and individuals advocating for the belief that software should be freely accessible and open for local communities and governments to develop and customize according to their needs. Similar to other successful regional conferences, OSCAL served as a vital platform for networking within the tech community, fostering connections both locally and globally. Open Labs, the community promoting free libre open source culture in Albania since 2012, supported and organized the conference.
For OSCAL 2023's eighth edition with the theme Standing on the Shoulders of Hackers, we tried to find some elements that reflected the idea of progress. Utilizing an eight-square grid system reminiscent of a chessboard, we integrated progressive functions within the grid, drawing inspiration from The Wheat and Chessboard Problem.
Moments from the conference. CC BY-SA 4.0 JoanaMeraja / Wikimedia Commons.