
Prisidio is an awesome product that helps users securely organize their most important info, and then share that info with their most important people.

After using it for a bit, I kept feeling like I got stuck on the "Permissions" tab each time I visited it. I felt like I always needed to re-read and re-learn what my options were, leading to information overload.

My goal with this small design challenge was to achieve the following two goals:

  1. Reduce the overall complexity

  2. Reinforce that the user only needs to make three main decisions

Existing Design

Updated Design


In my updated design, I accomplished the design goals as follows:

Converted one of the three options to an on/off switch

• Now a user only has to ask themselves if they want each row on or off, rather than asking themselves about each of the three options each time.

• If a button is off, the user can move on

• If a button is on, the app sets the option to the default setting

"Add - Edit - Delete" Updates

• Rows now flow smoothly from "top-to-bottom" rather than "left-to-right"

• Created a title for each radio button that is uniform across all three sections

Visual Hierarchy Updates

• Added background color to the header/footer so they are separated from the three rows

• Each of the three rows are now indented, helping them stand out more

• Incorporated a larger range of font weights which gives a user freedom to choose whether they want to skim this screen or dig into more details

More by tim hehn

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