Branding for Steak house

If your butcher has done their job well, you shouldn't have much excess hard, white fat on the outside of your steak. However, if you do see some, go ahead and trim it back to about 1/8", in order to reduce potential flare-ups.

Tip #2: For a beautiful crust on the outside of your steak, make sure the outside has been dried. Simply pat both sides with a paper towel to soak up any outer moisture. It won't seem like you're doing anything here, but trust us — it makes all the difference. The exception to this rule is if your steak has been marinated, in which case it's okay for some of the marinade to remain on the outside of your steak.

Tip #3: How you choose to season your steak is up to you — some people enjoy creating unique spice blends and rubs, while others are salt-and-pepper-only-purists. We recommend seasoning both sides of your steak with salt because it brings out the natural flavors in the beef.

Tip #4: Make sure your grill is at a nice high heat before placing your steaks on. This helps to prevent sticking and gives the outside of your steak those picture-perfect grill marks. The crust you'll achieve from the high heat of your grill is key to knowing when it's time to turn the steaks. If you wiggle your steaks and they don't release easily, leave them alone until they do. Once the first side is cooked, flip and brown the second side for about two or three minutes.

Tip #5: Once you've achieved a nice color on both sides of your steak, move them to a cooler area of your grill to finish cooking. The length of time they spend there will vary depending on your preferred degree of doneness. This is where an instant-read thermometer comes in handy: rare steaks should be pulled when the internal temperature reaches 120 degrees; medium-rare should be pulled at 125, medium at 135, and medium-well at 145.

Tip #6: When your steaks are finished cooking, it's very important to let them rest before serving. This allows the flavorful juices inside the steak to redistribute and prevents a dry piece of meat. Simply place your steaks on a plate and tent with foil for at least five minutes, then you'll be ready to enjoy!

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