Chatgpt for report generation
Creating reports from different sources isn't easy. Most of the time, we do it manually, which is time-consuming. Sometimes, a full-time employee is assigned to this task, but we've designed an application that simplifies the process. You just need to upload your data source, which could be from numerous integrations like Google Ads, Facebook, etc. Write a prompt, and your report is ready to download! You can even share it with anyone using a link. Need to collaborate? Just give them edit access. It's that simple! Custom ChatGPT for your report generation.
As a Product Designer, my task was to bring this idea to life. I collaborated directly with the CEO to work on the MVP. We prioritized features that directly connect with user interests. We engaged five potential target customers to validate our design in the early-stage wireframe, then moved to UI design. For UI design, my goal was to create something minimal that easily captures the target users' interest. We followed the 'Lean startup' approach throughout the process.
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