Drive X - Bike buy & sell product design


Regunathan, Sr. Product Design

Durai Prakash, Lead Product Manager

Shivam Kumar, Researcher & Product Manager

Onboarding Experience!

Clearly communicate the user needs to select a city.

Ensure the city selection interface is easy to understand and navigate.

Contact us

Contact Us form with feedback driven page makes it more engaging to the users and creates urge as well as increases credibility

Fair Market Value Assessment & Procurement

Bringing transparency starts with honesty with good information architecture.

In my listing, I made it a point to provide a clear and accurate description of my bike's condition. Any wear and tear, modifications, or improvements were laid out for potential buyers to see. This not only built trust but also justified the selling price.

Engaging Button design

Immerse users in a familiar visual buttons by incorporating elements that reflect your brand identity. From the logo to color schemes, maintain a consistent design to reinforce brand recognition.

Product Listing Page

Eliminate uncertainty by providing users with clear guidance on what to expect next. Whether it's information about response times or additional resources, transparency is key.

Crafting Memorable Thank-You Experiences: A Design Journey

In the world of online interactions, the power of a thoughtful thank-you cannot be overstated. Whether it's expressing gratitude for a purchase, inquiry, or form submission, the design of a thank-you pop-up or page plays a crucial role in leaving a lasting impression. Let's delve into the key elements that make a thank-you experience not just appreciative but engaging.


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Landing page UIUX design

Posted on Nov 18, 2023

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