Streami - Streamline Changing Users

Changing users on a streaming platform can be confusing for some users and take many actions to achieve. My goal was to streamline that process while still offering protection for children and peace of mind for parents.

I wanted to make sure the login screen was clean and clear as to who is signing in and could be completed at a glance. The main issue I needed to tackle was reducing the number of actions a user takes to change to another user's profile. Some platforms require 6+ clicks to change users. My flow reduces that to a hover and a click for users going from an adult user to a more restricted account, such as a child's page. To go back to the adult page, the hover and click will prompt a pin to unlock the parent user.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to create a fun hover state for a title as well as a content page of that title.

User select page

Children's homepage

Hover state for movie

Hover state for user profile

Enter Pin

More by Jeff Singleton

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